Tuesday 9 June 2015


Under normal circumstances I probably wouldn't bother posting up this record, but I was just spinning it so thought 'why the hell not'. 

Motörhead - Overkill

Remember back in my Iron Maiden - Women In Uniform post I described myself as something of a metal head? Well, despite this claim, I didn't previously own any Motörhead on vinyl. I know my away around a lot of their records but when the mood struck me a few weeks back to listen to them for the first time in decades I realised there was this glaring ommission from the collection. I didn't mess around, I headed straight to the nearest record store knowing they'd no doubt have a few of Lemmys finest work on wax.

In fact they had most of Motorheads back catalogue, so what to pick up to scratch the itch? I remembered that Orgasmatron and Overkill had been albums I'd enjoyed when I was about 13 so narrowed it down to two easily enough. I then remembered that Overkill was the bands second album with the first largely being viewed as non essential and horaah!! I'd made my choice.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Overkill, Bomber, and Ace Of Spades are all essential. I've been thinking about chasing after the original UK Bronze pressings at some point...
